Privacy Policy



This regulation regulates matters related to the handling of personal information in companies in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.


Each term is defined as follows.

  1. Personal Information
  2. Information based on name, date of birth and other information contained in the information.

  3. Databases
  4. A collection of information that includes personal information that is systematically arranged so that it can be searched and processed using a computer.

  5. Personal Data
  6. Refers to personal information data which is a personal information database managed by the company.

  7. Data Storage
  8. The company has the authority to correct data, add, stop using, delete and provide data to third parties if individuals or other parties can endanger lives or encourage illegal or unfair actions.

  9. Identity
  10. Individuals identified from personal information obtained.

Privacy Policy

The company establishes personal information protection policies internally and externally.
Personal information is protected by the company from dissemination measures on other websites.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Identification of Intended Use

The company determines the purpose of using personal information fairly and relevantly.
If the intended use is changed, the company will publicly inform of the change.

Restrictions on Use

The company may not use personal information beyond the scope required before obtaining the consent of the person.
The company may use personal information without individual consent in the following situations:

  1. If required by law.
  2. When it is necessary to protect a person's life or property and it is difficult to obtain that person's consent.
  3. Very necessary if it affects the health of the wider community.
  4. If required by a national body, regional government or person entrusted by law and with the approval of the person concerned.

Restrictions of Acquistion of Personal Information

Acquisition of Personal Information

Companies must determine the intended use in a lawful and appropriate manner.
Personal information is not used if it can cause social discrimination.
The company will not obtain personal information other than that person. Personal information may not be used if:

  1. No consent from the person.
  2. Violating laws and regulations.
  3. It is deemed urgent and unavoidable to protect the safety of one's soul or property.
  4. Unable to know the whereabouts of that person.

The company will inform the person if the above conditions occur.

Notice of Acquisition Purpose

The company immediately informs the person for the purpose of using personal information.
The company may obtain personal information from other people in connection with terminating the contract with that person.
When obtaining personal information from other people, the company will use it for the purposes for which it was previously informed.
The above provisions do not apply if:

  1. Can harm the life or rights and interests of others when the acquisition of personal information.
  2. Used to cooperate with national institutions, local public bodies or people trusted by law.

Management of Transfer Personal Data

Data Management

The company must always keep the personal data accurate and up to date as necessary to achieve the intended use.
The company will take strict and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss or damage to personal data safely.
The company must immediately delete or destroy personal data that is no longer needed to achieve the intended use.
The company supervises the handling of personal data and manages it securely.

Management of Transfer Personal Data

The company will provide personal data to third parties without consent in the following situations:

  1. If required by law.
  2. When it is necessary to protect a person's life or property and it is difficult to obtain that person's consent.
  3. Very necessary if it affects the health of the wider community.
  4. If required by a national body, regional government or person entrusted by law and with the approval of the person concerned.

Correction/Delete Personal Data

Disclosure of Personal Data

The company must disclose the personal data stored in relation to the person concerned, either in writing or orally after being approved by the person concerned. However personal data cannot be disclosed if:

  1. There is a risk of harming life, property or the rights and interests of others.
  2. There are risks that can hinder the company's business.
  3. If it violates laws and regulations.

If the above occurs, the disclosure of personal data must be carried out without delay.

Amendment/Deletion of Personal Data

If another person requests correction, addition or deletion of personal data, the company will notify that person in writing with the aim of achieving the purpose of using personal data.
If the person accepts the information notified by the company, the process will continue as notified.

Coverage for Use of Personal Data

If another person requests the suspension or deletion of personal data, the company will conduct an investigation to achieve the purpose of using personal data and provide information to the person regarding the suspension or deletion of personal data.
If the person receives the notification, the process will continue after being notified.


Complaint Handling

The company establishes the system necessary to respond to complaints regarding the handling of personal information and will try to respond appropriately and as soon as possible when the complaint is received.

Additional Terms

This regulation is enforced from October, 1st 2021.